Category Archives: Mindfullness

Episode 116: Invest In The Inner Work

Starting a business involves doing the work. Now, you may think I am referring to planning, strategies, implementing, launching and so on. But that’s not the only work you need to do. In order to grow your business, you must invest in doing the inner work as well. When you grow, your business grows. This...

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Episode 113: The Power Of Scent In Daily Rituals

How is your self-love practice? Do you have daily rituals you practice consistently? I didn’t until I started my entrepreneurial journey and learned that I needed to focus more on self-love and care in order to show up as a better version on me in my business and life. So I created morning, afternoon and...

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Episode 105: From Heartbreak to Breakthrough

It’s hard to imagine anything good coming out of heartbreak, right? Ending a relationship is extremely difficult no matter who made the decision. There are so many emotions and stages that you experience. And as compassionate as loved ones can be, we may need a bit more support to get through it. I can relate...

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Episode 103: The Power Of Intentional Self-Care

What does your self care practice include? Do you incorporate a variety of activities that support your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self? Self care is often discussed nowadays which is great, but we often relate self care to solely caring for the physical self. Taking relaxing baths, doing facial masks, making a nutritious smoothie,...

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