Category Archives: Strategy and Planning

Episode 121: How To Systemize Your Business For Success

To set your business up for success, you need to create a strong foundation. Without one, you will feel disorganized, unclear on your direction, frustrated that you aren’t as productive and efficient as you feel you should be, and perhaps you may miss or forget things, some of which may be important. So how do...

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Episode 109: Redefine Productivity and Focus On What Matters

It’s a fresh start and a new year. I am determined to use my time efficiently and maximize productivity while also dedicating more time to rest and spend quality time with loved ones, a lesson I learned in 2020. Increasing productivity is key to giving myself more time back in my day. But how do...

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Episode 87: Pivot Bravely From A Goal

Pivot from a goal you accomplished? For me, this seems so difficult. When I set a goal, it is something I truly want deep down. I work my ass off to achieve it and when I finally do accomplish my goal – the last thing I want to think about it is pivoting away from...

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Episode 61: Find Your Goal Setting Style

How do you feel about goal setting? Is it something you dread or love? I have always been obsessed with goal setting. I love the process of determining what’s important to me, what I want my life to look like and how I am going to get there. It’s actually a really enjoyable process. I...

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