Episode 61: Find Your Goal Setting Style

How do you feel about goal setting? Is it something you dread or love?

I have always been obsessed with goal setting. I love the process of determining what’s important to me, what I want my life to look like and how I am going to get there.

It’s actually a really enjoyable process. I take the time to sit down, put on some mood music, infuse some essential oils and really dive in. I think it is important to find the process that works best for you so that you too enjoy it.

Goal setting can be different for everyone – there is no right or wrong way to do it. You could have a very detailed practice that outlines the next 20 years, or you can break it down in to 1 year, month, or day at a time.

My guest today prefers to goal set by season, and she also doesn’t “look” at them every day either. And that is what works best for her.

You can write them down in a journal, a google doc or even on a note posted to the fridge. The possibilities are endless.

But my favorite part is creating a vision board that aligns with my goals and helps me stay focused on how achieving my goals will feel and look like. Taking the time to peruse through Pinterest and Magazines, I only select images and quotes that resonate with me.

Having my vision board in a place where it is visible to me daily is what works best for me. I love the constant visual reminder of whats to come if I focus on my goals.

So what is your goal setting style? I’d love to hear from you and learn what works best for you!

Alright, it’s time to tune in… so grab yourself a cup of organic tea and let’s dive on in to goal setting!

61: Find Your Goal Setting Style

Are you wondering how to determine your passion or purpose? Are you unsure how to start your goal setting practice? Are you interested in creating a vision board? If you answered yes, then today’s episode is for you! Join me and my guest Jacki Carr where we answer all these questions and so much more.


  • The best way to determine your passion and purpose so that you know the direction you are to take before you start creating goals
  • Her thoughts on the importance of goal setting
  • If there is such a thing as too many goals
  • The process to define exactly what goals are the right goals for us to have
  • The best way to keep our goals visible
  • How to stay on track with our goals
  • How to navigate failing to achieve our goals
  • The biggest blocks she’s witnessed in reaching a goal
  • Her journey to becoming a coach
  • What Rock Your Bliss entails

Rapid Fire questions:

  1. What is your morning routine like?
  2. How have you been navigating the changes we are currently experiencing with COVID? How do you maintain productivity and motivation?
  3. What are you binge watching or reading right now?
  4. What is your Self love practice?


Want to know more about Jacki Carr? Here is where you can connect with her:
Website | Instagram | Facebook


I would LOVE to hear from you. After you’ve listened to this episode, leave a comment and tell me what you thought. After all, this is all for you! I want to cover topics that will help you in whatever circumstance you are in. I feature guests on the show that you can learn from but that will also help you realize that you are not alone!

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Do you have a LOVE story to share that we could learn from; whether it is about your own personal experiences or your relationship? Do you have a product or service that can help us make healthier choices in our lives and feel good inside and out? If so, reach out to me! I would LOVE to speak with you and learn more about you! You can contact me at partnerships@projectloveco.com.

Want to hear what other topics I will cover on the podcast? Check out my introduction to LOVE Unplugged to learn more!

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