Episode 95: Heal Your Acne From The Inside Out

Acne, that dreaded word we all wish would vanish from our lives, am I right?

If you have suffered from acne, you know the impact it can have on a deep level. I remember having major breakouts when I was young and would basically hide out until it cleared. I would miss out on fun night outs, sometimes work, school and so on to avoid others seeing my breakouts.

It may sound silly to some, but it really takes a toll on your confidence.

I was desperate to rid myself of acne. I tried every product I could find and nothing worked. And this was the case for my guest. She too struggle with acne and tried many products and even went on to birth control which helped initially.

LOVE Unplugged with the Pure Life

But acne is caused from within – underlying health issues that need to be healed. It could be hormonal, digestive, etc. And getting to the root cause of the issue is the only way to properly treat and heal your acne once and for all.

But how do you figure out the root cause? And what are the steps you should take to heal your skin?

Today I am joined by Sisley Killam, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Founder of the Health & Wellness Blog “The Pure Life” and she is sharing her advice and tips on the how we can identify the cause of our acne and the steps we can take to heal it from within.

So, grab yourself a cup of organic tea and get comfy with a notebook because you are going to want to take notes! I hope you learn as much as I did from this episode and are able to apply the steps she shares to heal from your own acne struggles.

95: Heal Your Acne From The Inside Out with The Pure Life

Do you struggle with acne? I still do, and I’m 37! Who would have thought you’d have to deal with acne as an adult, but alot of us struggle with it! Acne is no fun, but we can heal from it. Want to know  how?


  • If she struggled with acne herself growing up
  • What prompted her to go to school for Holistic Nutrition?
  • What the root causes of acne are
  • If different types of acne tell different health issue stories
  • Why we experience acne as adults
  • Different areas we can target:
    1. Nutrition – what we should eat and avoid to help clear up our sin and keep it healthy
    2. Skincare practices and products – what her tips or suggestions are on what we can do to take better care of skin
    3. Supplements/Vitamins/Herbs – what we should be including in our diets that will help with our skin health
  • If there is an order in which we should follow to begin our healing journey
  • If she always dreamed of running her own business
  • Her experience creating her business
  • What she struggled with most being an entrepreneur
  • What she offers through The Pure Life

Rapid Fire: 

  1. What her skincare routine looks like
  2. How long it takes to heal the root causes and be free of acne
  3. What she is most proud of accomplishing as an entrepreneur


Want to know more about The Pure Life? Here is where you can connect with her:

Website | Instagram | Facebook | The Acne Protocol


I would LOVE to hear from you. After you’ve listened to this episode, leave a comment and tell me what you thought. After all, this is all for you! I want to cover topics that will help you in whatever circumstance you are in. I feature guests on the show that you can learn from but that will also help you realize that you are not alone!

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Do you have a LOVE story to share that we could learn from; whether it is about your own personal experiences or your relationship? Do you have a product or service that can help us make healthier choices in our lives and feel good inside and out? If so, reach out to me! I would LOVE to speak with you and learn more about you! You can contact me at partnerships@projectloveco.com.

Want to hear what other topics I will cover on the podcast? Check out my introduction to LOVE Unplugged to learn more!

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