Episode 115: How To Create Meaningful Conversation

The key to growing on social media is creating meaningful conversation with your community.

It can be nerve wracking at first, putting yourself out there. Especially showing up on Instagram Stories sharing your every day and actual face. Honestly, I remember when I first started it took me quite a few records before I posted – everyone feels like this initally.

But let me tell you something, your community wants to hear from you. They want to see your face and connect with you on a personal level, as well as, hear your thoughts and struggles and be inspired by you.

They want to have a conversation with you! So how do you do this?

Today I am joined by Samatha Semans, Founder and CEO of Ten 10 Social where she leverages her 10 years of administrative and marketing experience to help small business owners learn to use social media to grow their business in an authentic way.

She shares how we can create meaningful conversation over engagement, how to stay focused and keep your blinders on, and to balance free valuable content with promotion of your products and services.

So grab yourself a cup of organic tea and get comfy! Sam’s energy is definitely contagious and will leave you feeling amazing by the end!

115: How To Create Meaningful Conversation with Ten10 Social

Growing a community on Instagram can be frustrating at times. The goal is to spark intrigue, create connection and meaningful conversations with your community AND promote your offerings without giving off a sleazy sales vibe. So how do you do this? Let’s find out now…


  • Her experience leading up to becoming an entrepreneur
  • How the idea for Ten10 Social came to be
  • What she struggled with starting and growing her business
  • Key learnings she had creating her business
  • How to scale your business and create authentic connections with your community
  • Why creating relationships with your community is important for your business
  • Tips on how we can use social media to connect with our communities
  • What she has to offer her community


Want to know more about Ten10 Social? Here is where you can connect with them:
Website | Instagram | Facebook


I would LOVE to hear from you. After you’ve listened to this episode, leave a comment and tell me what you thought. After all, this is all for you! I want to cover topics that will help you in whatever circumstance you are in. I feature guests on the show that you can learn from but that will also help you realize that you are not alone!

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Do you have a LOVE story to share that we could learn from; whether it is about your own personal experiences or your relationship? Do you have a product or service that can help us make healthier choices in our lives and feel good inside and out? If so, reach out to me! I would LOVE to speak with you and learn more about you! You can contact me at partnerships@projectloveco.com.

Want to hear what other topics I will cover on the podcast? Check out my introduction to LOVE Unplugged to learn more!

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