Episode 135: Navigating Mental Illness As An Entrepreneur

Mental health has been receiving more awareness, especially with the events around the world in the last couple years. But it still has quite a ways to go to break through some of the stigmas that are still prevalent today.

Mental illness is not a choice for those affected by it. It is not something that is easily cured by a shift in mindset. And unless you have experienced it yourself, I don’t feel like it is something you will fully understand.

I’ve witnessed first hand how challenging (from the outside) mental illness can be on the person and also those around them. But I learned that as difficult as it can be to watch, experiencing it on a day to day basis is a whole other level. It was a traumatic experience but it taught me so much about how I could best show up for that person, in a way that worked best for them and gave them what they needed. It taught me patience, love and understanding.

And this is something I think many could benefit from – having more patience, understanding and love for those experiencing mental illness – something that you cannot see but very much exists.

I am so deeply honored to have Carla Arges join me on the podcast today to share from the heart her personal experience with mental illness and how she navigated the healing process.

Carla is an entrepreneur, author, mom, wife and mental health advocate. She authentically shares her journey with Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorder in hopes of breaking stigmas and showing women that they can thrive despite their diagnosis.

So grab yourself a cup of organic tea and get comfy. It’s a heart to heart chat learning what it is like to experience mental illness and how we can show and give our support and love.

135: Navigating Mental Illness As An Entrepreneur with Carla Arges

Mental health is gaining so much more awareness but it definitely still has a way to go to break through the stigmas that have been created. Today, we are taking a deep dive into mental illness, how to be supportive as a friend, what it’s like navigating the challenges of every day life with mental illness as an entrepreneur and the tools we can apply to help us thrive.


  • Her journey leading up to creating her business
  • What its like living day to day with a mental illness
  • What helped her navigate healing
  • How did the idea for her business came to be
  • Her experience starting and growing her business
  • The biggest lessons and wins she experienced as an entrepreneur
  • How important is self-worth, and how the lack of it affects your life
  • Steps we can take to build our self-worth
  • Tools that those living with mental illness can apply in their daily lives to help them through the challenges they experience
  • What she has to offer to support her community


Want to know more about Carla Arges? Here is where you can connect with her:
Website | Instagram | Facebook


I would LOVE to hear from you. After you’ve listened to this episode, leave a comment and tell me what you thought. After all, this is all for you! I want to cover topics that will help you in whatever circumstance you are in. I feature guests on the show that you can learn from but that will also help you realize that you are not alone!

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