Episode 103: The Power Of Intentional Self-Care

What does your self care practice include? Do you incorporate a variety of activities that support your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self?

Self care is often discussed nowadays which is great, but we often relate self care to solely caring for the physical self. Taking relaxing baths, doing facial masks, making a nutritious smoothie, and so on.

But how are you taking care of your well being on the other levels that are also needing support? And why is it so important to include them?

I truly feel like everything starts with us and that means that we must make it priority to care for ourselves so that we are able to show up for our loved ones and businesses as our best self.

And on today’s episode Melissa Nkomo, Founder of Kunye shares how we can do that and the benefits she has experienced of focusing on her inner, outer and spiritual self in her self-exploration journey.

We also chat about her experience starting her business and the challenges she has experienced and how she has and is navigating.

I truly enjoyed chatting with Melissa, she has the most beautiful calming spirit which I am sure is a direct result of the intentional care she has incorporated in her life. I hope you learn as much as I did from our chat.

So grab yourself a cup of organic tea, get comfy and ready for some quality me-time.

103: The Power Of Intentional Self-Care with Kunye

Self-care is talked about a lot on social media and it can sometimes be overlooked or taken lightly. But it is absolutely critical to our well being. Today, we are learning how we can be more intentional with our self-care practice and include practices that will incorporate the inner, outer and higher self in our healing journey.


  • Her self-exploration journey
  • What led her to practicing Pilates, Yoga, and meditation and how it helped her in her own self care journey
  • What made her realize this was her purpose
  • The meaning behind her name Kunye
  • Her experience starting her business
  • Why it is important to include all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual in our self care practice
  • Her advice on the best way to approach creating a self care practice and being consistent with it with a busy schedule 
  • What she offers through your Kunye


Want to know more about Melissa Nkomo and Kunye? Here is where you can connect with her:

Website | Instagram | Pinterest


I would LOVE to hear from you. After you’ve listened to this episode, leave a comment and tell me what you thought. After all, this is all for you! I want to cover topics that will help you in whatever circumstance you are in. I feature guests on the show that you can learn from but that will also help you realize that you are not alone!

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Do you have a LOVE story to share that we could learn from; whether it is about your own personal experiences or your relationship? Do you have a product or service that can help us make healthier choices in our lives and feel good inside and out? If so, reach out to me! I would LOVE to speak with you and learn more about you! You can contact me at partnerships@projectloveco.com.

Want to hear what other topics I will cover on the podcast? Check out my introduction to LOVE Unplugged to learn more!

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