Episode 129: Why You Should Invest In A Coach

Have you ever thought of investing in a coach?

Starting a business can be overwhelming, there is so much that you don’t know and learn along the way. You need to determine who your ideal client is and really know her inside and out and what she is struggling with.

You need to then determine HOW you are going to solve her struggles. And that is just the tip of the ice berg. Then comes learning how to position yourself, how to promote your services or products, how to stand out online, how to grow your community.

I started trying to figure it out myself, and it was a long road… And then I decided to invest in a coach. In fact, I invested in a coach a few times! And it was the best decision I ever made. Apparently, I am not alone to feel this way!

Today, I am joined by the lovely Calee Shea, a Holistic Health Practitioner based in Atlanta, Georgia. She is an energy healer, podcaster, atlanta local, period expert, sexual health educator, and so much more! Calee teaches women all across the globe how to regulate their periods, balance hormones + heal the gut.

She feels the same way and made the decision to invest in a coach a few months into creating her business and it helped her create an incredibly successful business and online platform!

For those starting a business, Calee suggests to invest in a coach and I couldn’t agree more!

Tune in to her hear about her journey but also her advice and insights when it comes to periods, hormones and gut health! She is a one stop for everything we need as women!

129: Why You Should Invest In A Coach with Calee Shea

Starting a business can be overwhelming. There is so much to learn and sometimes, you don’t even know what you don’t know. So what can you do to make the process smoother and less frustrating? Today, my guest shares her best advice for someone starting out.


  • When she realized she wanted to create her own business
  • Her experience creating her business
  • The biggest lessons starting her business
  • How investing in a coach helped her
  • Her advice for someone looking to start their business
  • What a healthy period looks and feels like
  • If our periods can change as we get older
  • Her thoughts on Birth Control
  • Hormones – What is normal and what is not normal
  • What she has to offer to support her community


Want to know more about Calee Shea? Here is where you can connect with her:
Website | Instagram | Podcast | Facebook | Pinterest | YouTube


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